“MUSE” Jacques Wei 2023 春夏女装系列致敬九十年代的离经叛道, 世纪末热烈张扬的灵感缪斯, 踩着八十年代享乐狂欢的繁华而来,在变化万千的世界游刃有余,又忠于自我,I am what I am。 没有所谓“想成为的样子”,整装上阵或松散闲适,全为取悦自己。 本季Jacques Wei从时代群像出发,实验性的设计融合不同层次的时装,告别矛盾,演绎本真。 极简的线条和反差感的面料拼接让人想起九十年代的解构主义浪潮, 打破服装的结构再以意想不到的方式重组, 撕裂的边缘,不按常理的裁剪,复刻时尚icon打破常规的魅力, 她们组成了那个时代,而时代纵容她们自信地诉说真实的自己。 宽大的外套廓形顺滑,无袖背心和牛仔裤,是九十年代无性别主义的映照。 细节丰富着时装,铆钉,亮片,锋芒的印花,伴着Mark Rothko强烈的渐变色块, 融合那个时代的grunge文化, 颓废随性与戏剧浮夸并行。 象征女性身体部位的立体刺绣和绞花编织充满感性意味,拥抱,接受自我。 在此之外,几何图案和切割是理性的回归,坚定,笔直, 诠释着Jacques Wei 女性“I am my own muse ”的强烈主张。 “She walks in beauty, She is what she is.” She is like the tumbling sea or the lapping waves, the dark tide that rises from the depths of the ocean, Jacques Wei Spring/Summer 2023 collection is a tribute to the rebelliousness of the 90s, the passionate, inspirational muses of the end of the century, who came in with the hedonistic exuberance of the 80s, navigating the ever-changing world while remaining true to herself, I am what I am. There is no such "what you want to be", dressed up or loose it, it's all about pleasing herself. This collection is based on the image of the times, fusing different layers of fashion in an experimental way, leaving behind contradictions and interpreting the real. The minimalist silhouette and contrasting fabrics are reminiscent of the deconstructionist wave of the 90s, breaking the structure of the garments and then recombine them in unexpected ways, with torn edges and unconventional cuts, reproducing the glamour of the fashion icons who broke the rules. They made up the era, and the era indulged them to speak confidently about their true selves. The silhouette of the wide jackets, smooth, sleeveless vests and jeans are a reflection of the Genderlessism of the 90s. Details enrich the fashion with studs, sequins and sharp prints, accompanied by Mark Rothko's strong gradient colour blocking, mixing the grunge culture of the era, decadent casualness and theatrical flamboyance go hand in hand. The three-dimensional embroidery and stranded weave that symbolises the female body, embracing and accepting of herself. Beyond this, geometric patterns and cuts are a return to the rational, firm and straight, interpreting the strong statement of "I am my own muse" for Jacques Wei women.











“MUSE” Jacques Wei 2023 春夏女装系列致敬九十年代的离经叛道, 世纪末热烈张扬的灵感缪斯, 踩着八十年代享乐狂欢的繁华而来,在变化万千的世界游刃有余,又忠于自我,I am what I am。 没有所谓“想成为的样子”,整装上阵或松散闲适,全为取悦自己。 本季Jacques Wei从时代群像出发,实验性的设计融合不同层次的时装,告别矛盾,演绎本真。 极简的线条和反差感的面料拼接让人想起九十年代的解构主义浪潮, 打破服装的结构再以意想不到的方式重组, 撕裂的边缘,不按常理的裁剪,复刻时尚icon打破常规的魅力, 她们组成了那个时代,而时代纵容她们自信地诉说真实的自己。 宽大的外套廓形顺滑,无袖背心和牛仔裤,是九十年代无性别主义的映照。 细节丰富着时装,铆钉,亮片,锋芒的印花,伴着Mark Rothko强烈的渐变色块, 融合那个时代的grunge文化, 颓废随性与戏剧浮夸并行。 象征女性身体部位的立体刺绣和绞花编织充满感性意味,拥抱,接受自我。 在此之外,几何图案和切割是理性的回归,坚定,笔直, 诠释着Jacques Wei 女性“I am my own muse ”的强烈主张。 “She walks in beauty, She is what she is.” She is like the tumbling sea or the lapping waves, the dark tide that rises from the depths of the ocean, Jacques Wei Spring/Summer 2023 collection is a tribute to the rebelliousness of the 90s, the passionate, inspirational muses of the end of the century, who came in with the hedonistic exuberance of the 80s, navigating the ever-changing world while remaining true to herself, I am what I am. There is no such "what you want to be", dressed up or loose it, it's all about pleasing herself. This collection is based on the image of the times, fusing different layers of fashion in an experimental way, leaving behind contradictions and interpreting the real. The minimalist silhouette and contrasting fabrics are reminiscent of the deconstructionist wave of the 90s, breaking the structure of the garments and then recombine them in unexpected ways, with torn edges and unconventional cuts, reproducing the glamour of the fashion icons who broke the rules. They made up the era, and the era indulged them to speak confidently about their true selves. The silhouette of the wide jackets, smooth, sleeveless vests and jeans are a reflection of the Genderlessism of the 90s. Details enrich the fashion with studs, sequins and sharp prints, accompanied by Mark Rothko's strong gradient colour blocking, mixing the grunge culture of the era, decadent casualness and theatrical flamboyance go hand in hand. The three-dimensional embroidery and stranded weave that symbolises the female body, embracing and accepting of herself. Beyond this, geometric patterns and cuts are a return to the rational, firm and straight, interpreting the strong statement of "I am my own muse" for Jacques Wei women.