“BLACK ORCHID” JACQUES WEI 2022春夏系列邀请我们追溯东方风情下的各种艺术形态, 牵引我们前往东西交汇的绮丽幻境。 古老东方的⻘花瓷瓶、壁纸家具、茶室园林透露着幽静又另带一丝风趣; Jacques Linard的静物油画、Willy Daro的古董家具充满逸趣姿态与奇异类匠心, 他们以东方文化为灵感的创作, 不仅是一种富丽堂皇的景象,还是对东方韵味与西方美学的融合和创新。 而这场汇聚而成的绮丽幻境,便是本次JACQUES WEI 2022春夏系列的灵感来源。 JACQUES WEI 2022春夏系列,设计师在色彩方面用以静谧的白色 优雅的蓝灰色为序,并自然过渡到浓重的草绿色和鲜艳的明红色。 在色谱外,系列还展现了极其丰富的印花,浓烈的东方风情图章, 动物纹路,馥郁芳香的花卉,都与系列色调交相呼应。 在设计巧思上,设计师在本季2022春夏系列尝试更多新的材料和形态,系列被赋予新的廓形: 翩跹的裙边被彩色PVC所包裹,柔软轻盈的鸵鸟毛点缀着飘逸的裙装, 使或剪影或苗条的裙装释放出慵懒的感觉; 男孩般的宽领衬衫、敞背式的大号西装和外套、挺阔的手臂轮廓和笔直的衣领造型以最自由、 最轻松的方式展现了女性坚定的性格。 The JACQUES WEI 2022 Spring/ Summer collection invites us to explorethe various art forms of eastern aesthetic - leading us to the gerontogeous fantasy where eastern and western art meet. The ancient porcelain artifacts, wallpaper furniture, and tea room gardens echo a sense of tranquility and witty personality while still life oil paintings of Jacques Linard and antique furniture of Willy Daro unveil the frolicsome gestures and enigmatic craftsmanship. Their exhilarating creations not only communicate an influence of the Eastern culture but the fusion of the Eastern charm and Western aesthetic. And this whimsical illusion served as the designer Jacques’s source of inspiration thus introducing the 2020 Spring/Summer Jacques Wei collection. In this collection, designer Jacques used the quiet white and elegant blue-gray color to naturally transit into denser tones of grass green and bright red. The assemblage also exhibits a series of rich prints from animal to floral and dazzling emblem of eastern beauty. In terms of design ingenuity, Jacques was ever more experimental with new materials and silhouettes. This season was given a new form- the flamboyant hem wrapped in colorful PVC and the embellishment of delicate ostrich fur to profile a slim silhouette that defines the effortless chic. Boyish wide-collared shirts and open-back blazers with masculine arm contour most simply profile a women’s most firm but yet free willed independent character











“BLACK ORCHID” JACQUES WEI 2022春夏系列邀请我们追溯东方风情下的各种艺术形态, 牵引我们前往东西交汇的绮丽幻境。 古老东方的⻘花瓷瓶、壁纸家具、茶室园林透露着幽静又另带一丝风趣; Jacques Linard的静物油画、Willy Daro的古董家具充满逸趣姿态与奇异类匠心, 他们以东方文化为灵感的创作, 不仅是一种富丽堂皇的景象,还是对东方韵味与西方美学的融合和创新。 而这场汇聚而成的绮丽幻境,便是本次JACQUES WEI 2022春夏系列的灵感来源。 JACQUES WEI 2022春夏系列,设计师在色彩方面用以静谧的白色 优雅的蓝灰色为序,并自然过渡到浓重的草绿色和鲜艳的明红色。 在色谱外,系列还展现了极其丰富的印花,浓烈的东方风情图章, 动物纹路,馥郁芳香的花卉,都与系列色调交相呼应。 在设计巧思上,设计师在本季2022春夏系列尝试更多新的材料和形态,系列被赋予新的廓形: 翩跹的裙边被彩色PVC所包裹,柔软轻盈的鸵鸟毛点缀着飘逸的裙装, 使或剪影或苗条的裙装释放出慵懒的感觉; 男孩般的宽领衬衫、敞背式的大号西装和外套、挺阔的手臂轮廓和笔直的衣领造型以最自由、 最轻松的方式展现了女性坚定的性格。 The JACQUES WEI 2022 Spring/ Summer collection invites us to explorethe various art forms of eastern aesthetic - leading us to the gerontogeous fantasy where eastern and western art meet. The ancient porcelain artifacts, wallpaper furniture, and tea room gardens echo a sense of tranquility and witty personality while still life oil paintings of Jacques Linard and antique furniture of Willy Daro unveil the frolicsome gestures and enigmatic craftsmanship. Their exhilarating creations not only communicate an influence of the Eastern culture but the fusion of the Eastern charm and Western aesthetic. And this whimsical illusion served as the designer Jacques’s source of inspiration thus introducing the 2020 Spring/Summer Jacques Wei collection. In this collection, designer Jacques used the quiet white and elegant blue-gray color to naturally transit into denser tones of grass green and bright red. The assemblage also exhibits a series of rich prints from animal to floral and dazzling emblem of eastern beauty. In terms of design ingenuity, Jacques was ever more experimental with new materials and silhouettes. This season was given a new form- the flamboyant hem wrapped in colorful PVC and the embellishment of delicate ostrich fur to profile a slim silhouette that defines the effortless chic. Boyish wide-collared shirts and open-back blazers with masculine arm contour most simply profile a women’s most firm but yet free willed independent character